Master Contract
between the
Hammond Teachers’ Federation
and the
School City of Hammond
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024
First Public Hearing held on September 12, 2023
Second Public Hearing held on May 8, 2024
Board Vote held on May 21, 2024
Article 1
1.1 The Board of School Trustees recognizes the Hammond Teachers’ Federation, Local 394,
American Federation of Teachers, as the exclusive bargaining agent for all teachers in the
bargaining unit. The bargaining unit shall consist of all persons who are employed by the School
District under a Uniform Regular Teacher’s Contract or a Temporary Teacher’s Contract, except
the following who are excluded from the bargaining unit: Directors, Assistant Directors,
Principals, Assistant Principals, Coordinators, Psychologists or Psychometrists in the Psychology
Department, and Central Staff Administrators. (Directors and Assistant Directors refers to
administrative positions and does not refer to Directors listed in Appendix B, Extra Compensation
1.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict Board rights or teacher rights
under Indiana law or other applicable laws or regulations.
Article 2
2.1 The term “Board” shall refer to the Board of School Trustees of the School City of Hammond.
2.2 The term “Federation” shall refer to the Hammond Teachers’ Federation, Local 394,
American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.
2.3 The term “Teacher” shall refer to all employees represented by the Federation in the
bargaining unit as defined.
2.4 The term “Employer” shall mean the Board, Administration, Supervisors, and any other
person(s) authorized to act on behalf of the Board in dealing with its employees.
2.5 When a reference is made to male teachers or administrators in this Contract, it also includes
female teachers and administrators.
Article 3
Federation Dues Deduction
3.1 Membership Dues/Representation Fee Payroll Deduction
a. On or before October 10 of each school year, teachers may sign and deliver to the Employer an
assignment authorizing payroll deductions of Hammond Teachers’ Federation membership dues
or Hammond Teachers’ Federation representation fee in twenty-six (26) equal payments from the
regular salaries of the teachers. Teachers may also authorize the payroll deduction of voluntary
contributions to the Committee on Political Education. Teachers employed any time after October
10 may sign and deliver to the Employer an assignment authorizing payroll deductions of
membership dues or representation fees on a prorated basis. These authorization cards shall be
delivered to the Board on or before February 15, and deductions will thereafter be made. The dues
and representation fees deducted shall be remitted no less frequently than monthly to the
Federation. In addition, any teacher may, at his election, pay his annual dues or representation fee
directly to the Hammond Teachers’ Federation.
b. The Federation agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any liability which
may arise by reason of any action taken by the Employer in complying with the provisions of this
Article 4
Mentor Teachers
4.1 Teachers shall receive a stipend of $900.00 from the School City of Hammond for actual
service as a mentor for a first or second year teacher.
Article 5
Substitute Teachers
5.1 [Effective January 1, 2023,] In the event it becomes necessary for a teacher to give up
planning time to serve as a substitute the teacher shall be paid at the rate of:
a. Elementary/Middle School - $60.00 per planning period
b. High School - $60.00 per planning period
[Effective upon ratification]
a substitute teacher is not provided and the
students from an absent teacher's class are redistributed to other teachers’
classes, the teacher will receive shall receive a total of sixty dollars ($60.00)
per day for a half day or less or ninety dollars ($90.00) per day for a full
day or any amount above a half (1/2) day, regardless of the number of
students or number of classes that are placed in the teacher’s classroom. To
clarify, a teacher shall no longer permitted to “stack” classes and be paid
$90.00 per class per day for students placed in the teacher’s class.
Article 6
Emergency School Closing
6.1 When the schools and school offices are officially closed by the Employer due to an
emergency, all licensed teachers will be paid in accordance with state statute, and teachers will not
be required to report to their respective schools. If the emergency arises during school hours,
teachers will be dismissed as soon as it has been established that all students have departed safely
from the school property. Teachers will assist in assuring safe and immediate departure of students.
This provision was not bargained and has been included for informational purposes only.
Article 7
On the Job Injury or Accident
7.1 In case of any accident or injury arising out of and in the course of employment, the involved
teacher should inform his principal or the principal’s designee of the accident or injury on the day
of occurrence. A Workmen’s Compensation Injury Report should be filled out by the principal or
the principal’s designee and immediately forwarded to the Business Office. The Board shall
continue the teacher’s wages in full until Workmen’s Compensation payments begin, and after
such payments begin, the Board shall then pay the difference between Workmen’s Compensation
payments and the contractual salary of the teacher for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty
(180) days.
7.2 All such payments shall be without reduction in accumulated leave of the teacher.
Article 8
High School Department Chairpersons/Middle School Team
8.1 High School Department Chairpersons and Middle School Community Chairpersons, will be
compensated in the amount of $1,500. Middle School Academic Team Leaders approved by the
Employer for assignment to additional service will be compensated in the amount of $3,000. Duties
performed by High School Department Chairpersons, Middle School Community Chairpersons,
and Middle School Team Leaders are considered an ancillary duty.
Elementary Plan Team Leaders will be compensated in the amount of $500 dollars.
8.2 Lead Counselors will be compensated in the amount of $2,500. Duties performed by Lead
Counselors are considered an ancillary duty.
Article 9
Short-Term Paid Leave
9.1 Personal Illness
a. All full-time teachers shall be entitled to ten (10) days’ sick leave each year without loss of pay,
such leave to be cumulative from year to year without limit. Each fall, teachers shall be given an
accounting of accrued sick leave.
b. In the event any teacher shall have accumulated one (1) or more days of sick leave in another
school corporation, there shall be added during the school year and each succeeding year of
employment up to three (3) days of sick leave until the number of accumulated days to which the
teacher was entitled in the last place of employment shall be exhausted. The teacher shall present
written verification of such accumulated days.
c. A teacher on short-term paid sick leave anticipating a prolonged illness shall report the
anticipated length of the illness and the possible date for returning to work to the Employer.
d. A teacher absent from work because of a childhood communicable disease (except the common
cold) contracted in the course of the teacher’s employment shall suffer no reduction of
compensation and shall not be charged with sick leave, upon submission of evidence thereof.
[Effective August 15, 2022 through June 30, 2023] If a teacher provides proof of having received
the COVID-19 vaccine and is directed by the administration to quarantine, and following the CDC
and SCH protocols, due to a positive test for COVID-19, due to the teacher experiencing symptoms
of COVID-19 or due to exposure during the teacher’s workday to a student and/or other school
personnel that tested positive for COVID-19, the Superintendent shall authorize the teacher to get
paid for a period of up to five (5) calendar days without the use of paid personal illness leave.
In addition, if a vaccinated teacher is diagnosed with a prolonged illness due to COVID-19 the
superintendent shall have the discretion to allow the teacher to be absent for an extended period of
time without the use of sick leave.
[See also: Section 13.2 for use of sick leave during summer school]
9.2 Family Illness
a. Each full-time teacher shall be allowed up to five (5) days’ leave per year with pay (not
accumulative and not deducted from sick leave) in case of serious illness, major surgery, or serious
accident involving a member of the immediate family. Immediate family in this instance shall
mean: spouse, children, parents, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brothers, sisters, and
or others living in the home with the employee. All part-time teachers shall be entitled to a
proportionate allotment of family illness leave each year. The teacher shall report the reasons for
family leave on the Employee Absence Report upon return from leave. If no family illness days
are used during a given school year, one (1) day will be added to the teacher’s accumulated sick
leave days at the end of the school year.
b. In the event emergency conditions arise, an extension of family illness leave without pay shall
be determined on individual merit by the Superintendent, provided that in all cases of approved
extension an application will be submitted before or immediately upon return, stating clearly all
details regarding the emergency.
c. A leave of absence without pay or increment of up to one (1) year shall be granted for the
purpose of caring for a sick member of the teacher’s immediate family.
9.3 Personal Business
Teachers shall be entitled to the following leaves of absence with each school year:
a. Three (3) days of absence for personal business may be granted with no loss of pay, two (2)
days allowed by Indiana State Statute, and one (1) day allowed by the Board. The three (3) days
shall be accumulative in sick leave if unused. Application for all personal business leave shall be
made at least twenty-four (24) hours before taking such leave (except in case of emergencies) and
the applicant will not be required to state the reason for taking such leave. The Employer shall
honor all requests regardless of reasons. Personal business leave days should not be used for the
purpose of extending vacations.
a. Days in excess of personal leave days may be granted to observe religious holidays.
b. Additional leave without pay may be granted by the Superintendent.
9.4 Bereavement
a. In case of death in the immediate family, a teacher shall be allowed seven (7) calendar days
without loss of pay to be taken immediately following the death. Immediate family in this instance
shall mean: spouse, children, others living in the home with the employee, and by blood or
marriage: parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters. If more than one (1) death in the immediate
family should occur, seven (7) calendar days without loss of pay shall be granted for each. A
request for a variance from language requiring bereavement leave to be taken immediately
following the death of an immediate family member may be granted by the Employer.
b. One-day (1-day) leaves may be granted for funerals of other than members of the immediate
family. Application for such leave shall be made at least twenty-four (24) hours before taking such
c. Additional leave without pay may be granted by the Superintendent depending upon travel and
9.5 Military Duty
If National Guard or Reserve encampment or a period of active training due to emergency
situations should occur during the school year, the teacher required to participate shall be granted
a temporary leave of absence. The employee will receive regular salary for days spent in
government service during a school year to the extent allowable by statute.
9.6 Jury Duty
In the event a teacher is required to perform jury duty or is subpoenaed to appear in a court or
before an administrative tribunal, the teacher shall receive regular salary minus any remuneration
received; provided, however, this paragraph has no application if the teacher is the plaintiff in the
9.7 Professional Leave
a. Professional leave days may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent for such purposes
as attending or participating in educational workshops, seminars, or conferences, or for visitation
to other school corporations or educational institutions for the purpose of observing instructional
b. Teachers requesting professional leave days should make their requests in writing well in
advance, stating the nature of the activity, the dates involved, the place where the activity is to be
held, and the value to be derived by the school system.
9.8 Federation Leave
The Federation shall have thirty (30) days during each school year to use for Federation business.
These days are to be used at the discretion of the Federation as authorized by the President of the
Federation. These days will be without loss of pay and are non-accumulative. The Superintendent
may, in any given year, grant additional Federation days. The Federation shall give the Employer
reasonable notice and shall not use more than five (5) of these days on any given day without the
approval of the Superintendent. The Federation will pay substitute costs for these days.
9.9 In all cases involving annual allotment of leave (personal illness, family illness, personal
business, etc.), part-time teachers and those full-time teachers who commence employment after
the opening day of the regular school year shall be granted a proportionate allotment of such leave.
9.10 The teacher shall give proper notification of absence due to personal illness, family illness,
personal business, bereavement, military duty, jury duty, or professional leave to the Centralized
Substitute Service in keeping with established procedures as a prerequisite to leave without loss of
Article 10
Sick Leave Bank
10.1 A teacher sick leave bank will be established. Each new teacher will contribute one (1)
personal business day each year for five (5) years; however, in any school year in which the sick
leave bank accumulation is less than 2000 days as of the first day of the school year, each member
will contribute one personal business day. Upon exhaustion of accrued personal illness days, a
member may borrow additional personal illness days under the following schedule:
0 5 years' teaching service in Hammond 10 days
6 8 years' teaching service in Hammond 25 days
9 12 years' teaching service in Hammond 35 days
13 16
years' teaching service in Hammond 45 days
17 20 years' teaching service in Hammond 55 days
over 20 years' teaching service in Hammond 65 days
Upon exhaustion of accrued personal illness days, a member may borrow additional personal
illness days for each separate illness upon presentation of sufficient medical evidence to the Sick
Leave Bank Committee hereunder provided. Upon resumption of employment, said teacher will
repay personal illness days owed (number of days borrowed minus number of days contributed, at
the rate of two [2] days per year). Said teacher will also continue to contribute one (1) personal
business day each year for up to five (5) years. At no time shall any teacher be permitted to owe
the sick leave bank more days than the maximum number to which the teacher would be entitled
under the above schedule. If a member retires before the debt is repaid, the remainder of the debt
will be waived. If all the sick leave bank personal illness days are exhausted, each member will
be assessed annually one (1) day of personal illness leave, beyond which the School City of
Hammond will donate the number of personal illness days necessary to keep the sick leave bank
10.2 A Sick Leave Bank Committee consisting of three (3) Federation members and two (2)
Administration members will be established. The Sick Leave Bank Committee will review the
applications of teachers desiring to borrow personal illness days from the bank. The decision of
the Sick Leave Bank Committee shall be final.
10.3 Commencing with the school year 1990-91, all members of the sick leave bank shall remain
members, and all teachers new to the School City of Hammond will become members of the sick
leave bank.
Article 11
Professional Compensation
11.1 The basic salaries of teachers covered by this Contract shall be set in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this Agreement. There shall be no base salary increases for the 2023-2024
school year.
11.2 The salary of the teacher will be presumed correct as shown in the Uniform Teacher’s
Contract unless the teacher or the Employer furnishes evidence of error.
11.3 An explanation as to how contract salary figures are computed typically will be issued with
the first paycheck of each school year.
11.4 Basic salaries for teachers shall be paid in twenty-six (26) payments. Basic salaries for
teachers shall be paid in twenty-six (26) payments in a given calendar year. Exceptions may be
made with the approval of the Cash Flow Committee. A teacher may receive the balance due on
his contract with the first scheduled paycheck in July by written notice to the Business Office by
May 1. If May 1 occurs on a day that school is not in session, the deadline shall be the next regular
school day. A teacher who makes this election shall continue each year to receive the balance due
on his contract with the first scheduled paycheck in July unless he notifies the Business Office by
May 1 that he prefers to be paid in twenty-six (26) payments. Teachers will be notified by the
Cash Flow Committee of the Hammond Teachers’ Federation prior to June 1 in the event the
balance on teachers’ contracts due on the first scheduled paycheck in July cannot be paid.
11.5 New teachers will receive one half (½) of their first pay one payroll in advance and the
remaining one half (½) on the next pay date.
11.6 Effective January 1, 2009, teacher pay will be issued via direct deposit only.
11.7 The Superintendent may approve additional compensation for individual teachers who have
been authorized by the Superintendent to perform additional work assignments.
11.8 Payroll deductions for teachers shall be made as required by law or as mutually agreed to by
the parties. Teachers may authorize deductions for tax-sheltered annuities during open enrollment
periods of the carrier companies involved.
11.9 Deductions for daily absences not covered by provisions in the Contract shall be made at the
same rate as earned.
11.10 Effective January 1, 1993, the Board shall pay directly to the Indiana State Teachers
Retirement Fund each teacher’s three percent (3%) contribution to the fund.
11.11 The parties recognize that the salaries which appear on Regular Teacher’s Contracts and
Teacher’s Temporary Contracts will be inaccurate whenever a salary increase is approved after
these contracts have been executed. At the time of a teacher’s retirement, the Employer will review
these contracts and, when necessary, revise the contracts for the five (5) years of service before
retirement in which the teacher’s annual compensation was highest so they accurately reflect the
sums which the teacher earned in each of those five (5) years.
11.12 The parties recognize that students are entitled to be taught by fully qualified teachers, while
at the same time recognizing a professional responsibility to assist in the preparation of student
teachers. Therefore, supervision by a teacher of a student teacher shall be voluntary. No teacher
should serve as a supervising teacher more than one-half (1/2) of the total teaching time each year.
This provision was not bargained and has been included for informational purposes only. Should
the college or university provide funds for this service, such funds shall be paid to those teachers
involved with a particular student teacher on a prorated share according to the time for which the
supervising teachers are responsible.
11.13 If the Employer determines that any committee should continue its work during the
summer, teachers belonging to the committee performing such services shall be paid on the same
basis and in the same manner as summer school teachers. If the Employer determines that
professional development should occur in the summer, specific teachers invited to participate shall
be paid on the same basis as summer school teachers.
Article 12
Extra-Compensation Positions
12.1 Extra-compensation stipends for additional services are set forth in Appendix B.
12.2 A coach whose Appendix B, Section 4, extra-compensation responsibilities commence prior
to the beginning of the school year may begin to receive his extra-duty salary with the payroll prior
to the beginning of the school year upon filing a request on the appropriate form with the
Administrator for Student Services and Athletics.
12.3 Teachers who are certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards will
be eligible for a stipend in an amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). These stipends will be
paid during term of the current Master Contract. This stipend was bargained outside of the
compensation model in accordance with legal guidance and decisions issued by the Indiana
Education Employment Relations Board.
Candidates for National Board certification must possess a baccalaureate degree from an
accredited institution, must have completed three (3) years of successful teaching, and must hold
a valid state teaching license for each of those three (3) years. Board Certification is a process
designed to certify teachers who must complete a demanding demonstration of their knowledge
and skill. At the school site, this includes developing a portfolio, including student work samples;
videotapes of lessons; and reflective commentary about their progress and problems in helping
students learn. Unlike state licensing systems, which set entry-level standards for beginning
teachers, National Board Certification establishes advanced standards for experienced teachers.
Participation in the certification process is voluntary.
The development of the national Board’s standards and assessments is guided by five (5) core
propositions which state what the Board values and honors in teaching:
Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
Teachers are members of learning communities.
The School City of Hammond recognizes that teachers who acquire a National Teacher
Certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards will enhance their
teaching capabilities. Teachers who wish to pursue National Board Certification are encouraged
to do so. The Board of School Trustees of the School City of Hammond agrees to support
candidates who apply for National Board Certification. The School City of Hammond will support
candidates through restricted professional development sources by providing up to five (5)
professional development leave days, and by providing access to supportive materials and
equipment such as video cameras and computers. Professional development leave days must fall
within the time frame of the assessment process and be used exclusively for activities related to
the National Board certification assessment process.
12.4 Teachers who are licensed by Indiana’s Professional Standards Board as Speech Language
Pathologists who also meet their requirements of IC 25-35.6-1-7 (f) will be eligible for a stipend
in an amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000).
12.5 Teachers who are licensed by the Indiana Department of Education and have received
certification as English Language Certification and are currently teaching English Language
Learners will be eligible for an annual stipend in an amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000).
12.6 The Employer will pay a yearly stipend in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000) to a
teacher (appropriately certified or otherwise qualified) who is assigned to provide instruction for
at least one (1) Dual Credit class or Advanced Placement class. In order to increase the number
of teachers who are appropriately certified to teach Dual Credit classes, the Superintendent may
also designate a reasonable number of teachers who are not currently assigned to teach a Dual
Credit class to receive a stipend. Any Teacher who receives this stipend, but who is not fully
credentialed with Higher Learning Commission to teach a Dual Credit course, must provide the
Employer with proof of progress toward the completion of the required graduate course of study
on a yearly basis. The parties have agreed that the completion of at least three (3) credit hours per
school year in the applicable graduate course of study shall constitute sufficient proof of progress.
This stipend was bargained outside of the compensation plan in accordance with legal guidance
and decisions issued by the Indiana Education Employment Relations Board.
12.7 Teachers who are licensed by the Indiana Department of Education and have received
certification as High Ability Teachers and are currently teaching a High Ability Designated
program will be eligible for an annual stipend in an amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000).
12.8 Special Education Teachers who are licensed by the Indiana Department of Education and
have received certification as a Special Education Teacher and are serving as the teacher of record
for Special Education Students, will be eligible for an annual stipend in an amount of two thousand
dollars ($2,000).
12.9 Teachers who are licensed by the Indiana Department of Education and have received
certification as a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist and are currently acting as an instructor for
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students, will be eligible for an annual stipend in an amount of two
thousand dollars ($2,000).
12.10 Teachers who are licensed by the Indiana Department of Education and have received
certification as a Vision Impaired Specialist and are currently acting as an instructor for Vision
Impaired Students, will be eligible for an annual stipend in an amount of two thousand dollars
Article 13
Summer School, Adult Education
13.1 Salaries of summer school teachers who are paid pursuant to a supplemental service teacher’s
contract, adult education teachers, and homebound instruction teachers will be computed on the
following stated formula: basic contract salary daily rate for the current calendar year x number
of days taught x 1/6 x number of hours taught per day. Compensation for teachers of remediation,
grant programs, and after-school lab programs shall be paid at the rate of forty-five dollars ($45.00)
an hour.
13.2 Teachers who become ill or disabled after receiving official notification of a summer school
assignment are eligible to use sick leave days during the term of summer school employment. Sick
leave days used during summer school shall be deducted at the fractional rate of the assignment
for each day of absence. If a teacher has used all accumulated sick leave during the regular school
year, two (2) additional summer school days shall be granted, non-accumulative, during summer
13.3 Adult Education
Upon ratification, teachers of Adult Education shall be paid at the rate of forty-five dollars ($45.00)
an hour. Break time will not be deducted from teachers’ pay.
Article 14
Insurance Protection
14.1 Health Insurance
a. The Board shall make available a single or family membership for all teachers employed by the
School City of Hammond in a health insurance plan.
b. Effective May 1, 2024, the Board shall make the lesser contribution of either all but
$1.00 of the total premium or $9,120 annually toward the cost of a single membership in the
health insurance plan mutually agreed to by the parties for any teacher choosing a single
plan. The Board shall make the lesser contribution of all but $1.00 of the total premium or
$27,280 annually toward the cost of a family membership in the health insurance plan mutually
agreed to by the parties for any teacher choosing a family plan.
In the event the Board’s health insurance contributions are found to exceed the maximum allowable
contributions under Indiana Code 20-26-17-3, the parties agree they will meet and renegotiate the
Board’s contributions to comply with state law.
The Board shall make an annual contribution of $750.00 into the
Health Savings Account
(HSA) on behalf of any teacher electing to participate in the Single High
Deductible Health
Plan. The Board shall make an annual contribution of $1500.00 into the Health
Account (HSA) on behalf of any teacher electing to participate in the Family High
Deductible Health Plan.
c. A participating teacher who fulfills his teaching responsibilities for a given school year (185
days) shall continue as a participant in the School City of Hammond health insurance plan until
August 31.
d. Pursuant to Section 125 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, the Board will provide a Flexible
Benefit Spending Plan. This Flexible Benefit Spending Plan allows a teacher to convert his
contribution toward the group hospitalization, major medical, dental and vision plans to pre-tax
dollars. In addition, this Flexible Benefits Spending Plan allows some unreimbursed medical and
dependent daycare expenses to also be converted to pre-tax dollars. The costs of the administration
of this plan, if any, will be subject to negotiation.
e. The teacher shall be responsible for the completion of all necessary enrollment cards and keeping
enrollment information up to date. A new dependent (including a newborn child) must be reported
to the Insurance Department of the School City of Hammond. The teacher must obtain a
membership application from the Insurance Department, complete the change of membership
section of the application, and return the application to the Insurance Department. The Insurance
Department will then acknowledge receipt of the change and notify the insurance provider of the
change in coverage. No claim on behalf of a new dependent can be honored unless the insurance
provider has a record of the new dependent’s membership in the teacher’s family plan.
(1) [Single Plan] The teacher may participate in the single member group health insurance plan.
(2) [Family Plan] The teacher may participate in the family plan group health insurance plan.
(3) [Dental and Optical Plans Only] The teacher may elect to participate in the dental and optical
plans only (either single or family).
(4) The teacher may elect not to participate in the group health insurance plan.
f. The maximum benefit payable under major medical coverage shall be unlimited.
g. Teachers are reminded that they should sign up for Medicare coverage at their Social Security
Office just prior to attaining sixty-five (65) years of age in order to maintain optimum coverage
under the plan.
h. In the event that husband and wife are both employees eligible for the coverage mentioned
above, one spouse may enroll for the family membership plan and the other spouse may be carried
as a dependent.
i. A Citywide Health Insurance Committee will meet on not less than a monthly basis in order to
monitor the School City of Hammond Health Care Plan and be in a position, should it be necessary,
to recommend modifications of the plan in a timely manner. This committee shall also study the
feasibility of providing paid health care for retirees not yet eligible for Medicare coverage.
j. In the event a teacher dies while covered by a family health insurance plan pursuant to Subsection
14.1(b) & (c), for a period of eighteen (18) months following the death, the Board will continue to
provide, on a fully paid basis, the family’s health insurance plan in effect at the time of the teacher’s
14.2 Retirees’ Major Medical Health Insurance Program
A Comprehensive Major Medical Group Health Insurance Program will be made available to
teachers who have retired from the School City of Hammond. A summary of benefits will be
available in the Human Resource office.
14.3 Wellness Program
The School City of Hammond will provide teachers and their spouses with the opportunity to
participate in the School City of Hammond Wellness Program.
14.4 Employee Assistance Plan
The School City of Hammond will provide teachers with the opportunity to participate in an
Employee Assistance Plan.
14.5 Term Life Insurance
The Board shall provide, on a fully paid basis, term life insurance in an amount no less than fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000) for all teachers plus an accidental death and dismemberment plan. For
teachers sixty-five (65) years of age and older, this amount shall be reduced in accordance with
standard insurance reduction schedules.
14.6 Liability
The Board shall provide, on a fully paid basis, liability insurance in the amount of one hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000) to all of the School City of Hammond teachers in case of suit arising
from or in the performance of their duties.
14.7 Long-Term Disability Insurance
The Board shall provide, on a fully paid basis, long-term disability insurance with an elimination
period of ninety (90) days.
Article 15
Severance Pay
15.1 Effective January 1, 2003, a Post-Retirement 403(b) Program (“the program”) will be
established. The Employer will make payments into the program on behalf of employees who are
eligible for severance pay as provided below.
15.2 Retirement severance pay shall be granted to eligible professional employees upon their
retirement. To be eligible for severance pay, a minimum of fifteen (15) years of employment in
the School City of Hammond is necessary except that a teacher retiring at age sixty-five (65) may
qualify with a minimum of ten (10) years of employment in the School City of Hammond.
Severance will be based on the number of unused accumulated sick days. The first one hundred
(100) unused sick days will be reimbursed at one-half (1/2) the person’s daily rate up to a
maximum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day. Days accumulated beyond one hundred (100)
will be reimbursed at seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day.
15.3 A teacher shall receive $2,000.00 of his/her severance benefit at the time of his/her retirement
and the remainder shall be deposited into an account in the 403(b) Program on behalf of the teacher
in the first two (2) Januarys following his/her retirement.
15.4 In order to be eligible for retirement severance pay, a teacher must:
a. Meet minimum requirements in the Indiana State Teachers' Retirement system.
b. Submit to the Assistant Superintendent of Operations as soon as possible (preferably on or
before March 1) during the school year at the end of which retirement will occur, a notification, in
writing, of intent to retire.
15.5 In the event a teacher is unable to give timely notice of retirement as required and is forced
to retire as a result of ill health, accident, or other unforeseen event, the required notice of
retirement may be waived by the Board on the recommendation of the Superintendent.
15.6 A teacher of at least twenty (20) years’ experience who, by necessity, exhausts all of his
accumulated sick leave due to a prolonged illness during the last three (3) years of employment
shall be given $2,000.00 as severance pay.
15.7 Upon the death of any employee eligible for retirement severance pay, the severance pay to
which the employee would have been entitled shall be paid directly, in a lump sum, to person(s)
designated by the deceased in writing to the Employer. If no beneficiary has been named for
severance benefits specifically, the severance benefits will be paid to the beneficiary named on the
teacher’s life insurance policy. If no beneficiary has been named on the teacher’s life insurance
policy, the severance benefits will be paid to the beneficiary named on the teacher’s Teachers’
Retirement Fund. If no beneficiary has been named on the teacher’s Retirement Fund, payment
will be made to the estate of the deceased.
Article 16
16.1 Effective the beginning of the 2003-2004 school year, the Board agrees to establish and
maintain a qualified retirement plan pursuant to Section 401(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
[hereinafter referred to as the “401(a) plan”] for all teachers. Effective the 2003-2004 school year,
the Board will contribute an amount equal to one percent (1%) of each teacher’s base salary
annually into the 401(a) plan on behalf of each teacher. This annual one percent (1%) contribution
will be deposited into the 401(a) plan on a monthly basis as the base salary is paid.
16.2 The contributions to the 401(a) plan on behalf of a teacher will vest with that teacher after the
teacher completes five (5) consecutive years of service with the School City of Hammond. For
purposes of this Article, one (1) year of service shall be credited upon the completion of one
hundred twenty (120) school days in a given school year.
16.3 At the time a teacher severs his/her employment relationship with the School City of
Hammond, the value of all contributions to the teacher’s 401(a) account plus an assumed rate of
return equal to a fixed rate account of the 401(a) plan (agreed to by the parties prior to the 2003-
2004 school year) shall be deducted from the total amount of severance pay to which the teacher
would be entitled pursuant to Article 14 of this Master Contract. The annual rate of return for the
fixed rate account of the 401(a) plan shall be determined each July 1 and shall be used for the
succeeding twelve (12) month period. The remaining severance pay shall be paid out pursuant to
Article 14 of this Master Contract.
If the 401(a) account is larger than the teacher’s severance pay pursuant to Article 14 of this Master
Contract or if the teacher is not entitled to severance pay pursuant to Article 14, the teacher will
receive the 401(a) amount only.
Article 17
Grievance Procedure
17.1 Definitions
a. A “Grievance” is a claim by a teacher, a group of teachers or the Federation that there has been
a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of provisions of this Contract.
b. A “Grievant” is a teacher, a group of teachers or the Federation.
c. A “Supervisor” shall ordinarily be defined as the building principal; however, when the
grievance is on a system wide basis “Supervisor” shall mean the Assistant Superintendent of
Operations. In cases where members of the bargaining unit are not under a building principal,
“Supervisor” shall be defined as the director of the program under which the grievance arises.
d. The term “Days” when used in this grievance procedure shall be defined as calendar days unless
otherwise specified.
e. The term “Stage” when used in this grievance procedure shall refer to the separate and distinct
stages to be followed in the processing of grievances.
17.2 General Provisions
a. For the purposes of this Contract the grievant and the Board agree, as a matter of mechanics, to
use the “Grievance Report” shown in Appendix D.
b. Written grievances shall contain a clear and concise statement of the specific alleged violation,
misinterpretation or misapplication involved, and the relief sought.
c. Personnel material and school business data not of a confidential nature which bear on the issues
raised by a grievance shall be available to the grievant upon his request.
d. No documents, communications or records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be
placed in the regular personnel file of the grievant except upon the written request of the grievant.
e. Released time without loss of pay shall be provided for teachers who must attend meetings
mutually agreed upon and scheduled by both parties under stages of this grievance procedure.
17.3 Purposes
The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, resolution
of filed grievances which may arise. Details of grievance proceedings shall be kept confidential.
17.4 Procedure
a. Since it is agreed that grievances shall be processed as soon as possible, time limits stated in this
grievance procedure shall be an absolute maximum. Time limits may be extended only by mutual
agreement of the parties involved. Time limits falling during any school year vacation period shall
be extended to the second school day after vacation. Grievances filed after May 15 of any school
year shall be resolved within thirty (30) days following the end of the school term unless the
grievance goes to the fourth stage of the grievance procedure.
b. A grievance must be filed as soon as practicable after the grievant learns the facts which are the
basis of the grievance. In no case shall a grievance cite as an alleged violation, misinterpretation,
or misapplication a specific act which occurred more than thirty (30) days previous to the filing of
the written grievance. If, however, a teacher is disabled or otherwise physically incapable of filing
a grievance within this period, an extended time limit of up to ninety (90) days shall be allowed.
In the event an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication is determined to be one of a
continuing nature, any relief which may be granted can only include or be retroactive to the thirty
(30) days prior to the initial filing of the grievance.
c. Failure by the supervisor, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, or the Board to give a written
decision within the specified time limits in this procedure shall permit the grievant to take the
grievance to the next stage within specified time limits. Failure at any stage of this procedure to
take a grievance to the next stage within the specified time limits shall constitute waiver by the
d. It is the desire of the Federation and the Board to limit, insofar as practicable and appropriate,
the number of formal grievances filed. To this end, both parties agree to encourage attempts to
informally resolve grievances before invoking the grievance procedure. A teacher or group of
teachers, who may request a Federation representative to be present, should first discuss the alleged
violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication with the immediate supervisor.
17.5 Stage 1
a. If it is determined that a grievance should be filed, the grievant must file with the supervisor a
completed Grievance Report [See Appendix D] in accordance with the aforementioned time limits.
The alleged violation(s) as set forth in the Grievance Report shall control the scope of the grievance
from Stage 1 through and including Stage 4. The supervisor shall meet with the grievant in an
effort to resolve the grievance. The supervisor shall indicate the disposition of the grievance within
fourteen (14) days after the filing of the grievance by completing Stage 1 of the Grievance Report
and returning it to the grievant. The Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and the Federation
shall both receive a copy of the disposition.
17.6 Stage 2
If not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Stage 1, the Federation may file within
seven (7) days Stage 2 of the Grievance Report with the Assistant Superintendent of Operations.
The Assistant Superintendent of Operations shall meet with the grievant. Within fourteen (14)
days after the filing of the grievance at Stage 2, the Assistant Superintendent of Operations shall
indicate the disposition by completing Stage 2 of the Grievance Report and returning it to the
grievant. The Federation shall be notified as to the disposition of the grievance.
17.7 Stage 3
If not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Stage 2, the Federation may file within
seven (7) days Stage 3 of the Grievance Report with the Superintendent. The Superintendent or
his designated representative shall meet with the grievant. Within twenty-eight (28) days after the
filing of the grievance at Stage 3, the Superintendent or his designated representative shall indicate
the disposition by completing Stage 3 of the Grievance Report and returning it to the grievant. The
Federation shall be notified as to the disposition of the grievance.
17.8 Stage 4
If the Federation is not satisfied with the disposition at Stage 3, the Federation may submit a written
appeal to the President of the Board of School Trustees within ten (10) working days of the receipt
of the written disposition by the Superintendent or his/her authorized representative, or in the event
the Superintendent or his/her authorized representative fails to issue a written disposition within
the time limit, within thirty (30) working days of the appeal of the grievance to Stage 3. Upon
written request to the President of the Board of School Trustees the Federation shall be entitled to
a meeting with the Board to discuss the grievance prior to the Board’s final decision. The Board
of School Trustees will review the grievance, make its decision, and notify the Federation at the
earliest opportunity. The decision of the Board shall be final.
18.1 This Contract shall be effective as
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
18.2 A public hearing was held on September
, 2023, in compliance with
20-29-6-1 (b ), and
electronic participation from the parties and/or public was not permitted; and
18.3 A public hearing was held on May 8, 2024 in compliance with
20-29-6-19 to discuss the
tentative agreement and electronic participation for the governing body was permitted and
electronic participation for the public was not permitted.
18.4 Should any Article, Section, or provision
this Contract be declared illegal, said Article,
provision, as the case may be, shall be automatically deleted from this Contract to the
extent that
violates the law, but the remaining Articles, Sections, and clauses shall remain in full
force and effect
not affected by the deleted Article, Section, or provision.
18.5 This Contract
made and entered into at Hammond, Indiana, on this
May, 2024,
and between the Board
School Trustees, School City
Hammond, and the Hammond
Teachers' Federation, Local 394
the American Federation
18.6 This Contract
by the parties whose signatures appear below.
School Trustees
Executive Vice-President
'tlfce_p,:es ident
Elementary School Trustee
Teacher Compensation Model
Effective 2023-2024 school year (Salary Range: $49,000 - $86,000)
Base Salary: $49,000
Effective for the 2023-2024 school year, there shall be no base
salary increases.
The Teacher Compensation Model shall consist of three (3) factors used to determine increases in
teacher compensation:
1. Teacher Summative Evaluation
Teachers who score in the top two categories (Highly Effective or Effective) on the evaluation
instrument earn 70% of the increase in teacher compensation.
2. Experience
Teachers who had a minimum of 120 paid days the previous school year earn 30% of the
increase in teacher compensation.
3. Education
Possession of a master’s degree in education or in content area as defined by the Indiana
Department of Education.
Teachers who score in the bottom two categories (Needs Improvement or Ineffective) shall not be
eligible to receive any increase in compensation. The amount that would otherwise have been
allocated for increases in teacher compensation for teachers rated “Needs Improvement” or
“Ineffective” shall be allocated for increases in teacher compensation for teachers rated “Effective”
or “Highly Effective” based upon the teacher compensation model. This section does not apply to
a teacher in the first two (2) full school years that the teacher provides instruction to students in an
elementary school or high school.
Effective January 1, 2022, a salary schedule, with equal differentials, has been incorporated into
the compensation model (See Salary Schedule attached as Appendix C).
Effective the 2022-2023 school year, each teacher that is eligible for an increase in compensation
shall receive $5,000.00 (base and stipend combination). A teacher that satisfies the summative
evaluation factor and the experience factor will have $2,000.00 added to the teacher’s salary. Each
step will be increased by two thousand dollars and teachers will remain at their current step. A
teacher with a Bachelor’s degree will be placed in the Bachelor’s column. A teacher with a
Master’s degree in education or in content area as defined by the Indiana Department of Education
will be placed in the Master’s column.
Additional Compensation: For the 2022 2023 school year, a one-time stipend of three thousand
dollars ($3,000) will be awarded to teachers who meet the general eligibility requirements.
Each school year the School City of Hammond and the Hammond Teachers Federation will
negotiate the amount of money available for teacher salaries. This dollar amount will then be used
to determine the dollar amount for each base unit.
If the parties agree there are sufficient funds to afford to advance teachers in rows and columns,
then advancing on the salary schedule shall be as follows:
1. A teacher in the bachelor’s column who satisfies the summative evaluation factor and the
experience factor shall advance one row in the bachelor’s column.
2. A teacher in the master’s column who satisfies the summative evaluation factor and the
experience factor shall advance one row in the master’s column.
3. A teacher in the bachelor’s column who satisfies the summative evaluation factor and the
experience factor who is in the first year of possessing a master’s degree in education or in
content area as defined by the Indiana Department of Education will advance to the
Master’s column, but remain in the same row, unless the parties negotiate an advancement
to the Master’s column and an advancement in the row.
Effective 2022-2023 school year, a new teacher’s base salary shall be $49,000. The Superintendent
shall place a new teacher on the salary schedule in the appropriate education column starting at
row A. In the event a new teacher is hired with outside teaching experience, or in a hard to fill
teaching assignment, the Superintendent with the approval of the Board of School Trustees may
place a new teacher on the salary schedule within the salary range.
In the event, the Superintendent, with the approval of the Board of School Trustees, determines
the academic needs of the school corporation require a differentiated pay increase for a specific
teacher given the importance of retaining such teacher the superintendent with the approval of the
Board of School Trustees may grant an addition to the base salary in increments of $1,000.00 up
to a maximum of $5,000.00.
Effective the 2022 - 2023 school year a new teacher’s base salary shall be as follows:
$47,000 for Emergency Permit teachers
$49,000 for certified fully licensed teachers
Emergency Permit teachers that become certified during the school year will have their salary
prorated from the time in which they received their certification.
In addition to the above stated factors, the academic needs of students require that the school
corporation maintain an adequate staff of speech language pathologists to provide services that
meet the needs of students. Therefore, effective the 2022-2023 school year the salary range for
speech language pathologists shall be $67,000 to $86,000.
Appendix C
Extra Compensation Stipends
Personnel approved by the Superintendent for assignment to additional service shall receive
additional pay as follows:
Section C-1
a. Counselors
High School and Middle School Counselors will be compensated on a daily contract rate for
services before or after the regular school year.
b. Special Education Teachers
Elementary/Secondary Special Education Coordinators shall be compensated for an extended
work day in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000).
c. Media Center
The Instructional Technology Coordinator shall be compensated in the amount of $5,000.00.
d. Assistant to the Principal
An Assistant to the Principal will be compensated on an index of .20 X Base on the Current Salary
e. Instructional Coach
A teacher assigned to the position of Literacy Coach and a teacher assigned to the position of Math
Coach shall receive additional compensation in the amount of $5,000 to compensate for an
extended school day and an extended school year. The parties recognize that any position which
is created with funds from a grant will be eliminated when the grant ends.
f. Elementary Behavior Specialist
The Elementary Behavior Specialist shall receive additional compensation in the amount of
g. For the 2023-2024 school year, on a trial basis, a teacher assigned to the position of Community
School Coordinator shall receive additional compensation in the amount of five thousand dollars
($5,000.00) to compensate for an extended school day or extended school year.
Section C-2 Expanded Studies Program
The Expanded Studies Program is a talent development program designed to help students develop
their talents in a stimulating and challenging environment. Teachers will be invited to submit
proposals for specific classes. The notice of this opportunity will include a deadline for submitting
proposals. These proposals will be reviewed by the Talent Development Committee who will
recommend to the Assistant Superintendent of Operations, teachers for employment on a
supplemental service contract. The seven-member (7-member) Talent Development Committee
will consist of the Director of Talent Development, three (3) administrators appointed by the
Superintendent, and three (3) teachers appointed by the President of the Hammond Teachers’
Federation. [This provision was not bargained and has been included for informational purposes
Teachers employed in the Expanded Studies Program will be compensated at their hourly rate of
pay. In the event a teacher is absent from a scheduled instructional period of the program at the
request of the Employer in order to participate in student-related activities or professional
development activities, the teacher shall not incur a loss of pay.
Section C-3 Extra-Duty Assignments
Compensation = Index X Base Salary
Base Salary = $33,598
A building principal may recommend to the Assistant Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent
for Academic Services assignment of a C-3 position or a Section 7.5 position in his building to a
dollar amount in a higher C-3 classification or a higher amount in a C-4 classification during a
given school year in recognition of program enhancement. This provision shall not be subject to
the grievance procedure.
Class I Assignments
High School Instrumental Music Director
High School Vocal Music Director
High School Theater Director
Student Activities Director
Class II Assignments .0529 $1,777
High School Assistant Debate/Speech Coach
High School Vocal Music Accompanist
Middle School Instrumental Music Director
(Assigned before-school and after-school activities)
Middle School Vocal Music/Drama Director
(Assigned before-school and after-school activities)
High School Assistant Theatre Director
High School Assistant Instrumental Director
High School Assistant Vocal Music Director
Secondary Science Olympiad District Coordinator
Elementary Science Olympiad District Coordinator
Middle School and Elementary Lego Robotics District Coordinator
Chess District Coordinator
Class III Assignments .0435 $1,462
Breakfast/Afternoon Supervision
Elementary Recess Supervisor
Class IV Assignments .0397 $1,334
High School Yearbook Sponsor
High School Newspaper Sponsor
Middle School Vocal Music Activity Director
(Assigned before-school and after-school activities)
Middle School Academic Coach
Class V Assignments .0318 $1,068
High School Vocational Teacher-Coordinator
Audio-Visual Materials Specialist
High School Computer Coordinator
High School Class Sponsor
High School Pom Pom Sponsor
Flag Corps Sponsor
High School Student Government Sponsor
Vocational Club Sponsor
Elementary Head Teacher
Special Needs Coach
High School National Honor Society Sponsor
School Data Management Teacher
High School, Middle School, Elementary School Technology Liaison
Class VI Assignments .0185 $622
High School Class Sponsor
High School Bookstore Supervisor
High School Intramurals (Per season)
High School Foods Coordinator (Other than Department Chairman)
High School Science Fair Sponsor
Middle School Newspaper Sponsor
Middle School Yearbook Sponsor
Middle School Foods Coordinator (Other than Department Chairman)
Middle School Intramurals (Per season)
Middle School Student Council Sponsor
Middle School Science Fair Sponsor
Elementary School Vocal Music Activity Director
(Assigned before-school and after-school activities)
Elementary School Patrol Sponsor
Elementary School Intramurals (Per season)
Elementary School Science Fair Sponsor
Elementary School Science Fun Day (Grades 1, 2, 3)
Social Media Specialist
Club Sponsor
Elementary Student Council Sponsor
Elementary School Music Activity Sponsor (Assigned before-school and after-school activities, including rehersals
and practices)
Traveling Elementary
Teachers and Occupational
Two Schools Per Day
Three Schools Per Day
One day per week
Two days per week
Three days per week
Four days per week
Five days per week
In lieu of this extra compensation stipend for traveling elementary teachers,
kindergarten teachers who have a full instructional supervisory load as defined in
Section 9.1 and who are assigned to two (2) schools on a daily basis, shall receive
additional compensation of six hundred dollars ($600) per semester.
Traveling between schools is considered an ancillary duty.
Traveling High School and Middle School Teachers
High school and/or middle school teachers who have a full instructional supervisory
load as defined in Section 8.5 and who are assigned to two (2) schools on a daily basis
shall receive additional compensation of six hundred dollars ($600) per semester.
Traveling between schools is considered an ancillary duty.
Section C-4 Coaching Assignments
Compensation = Index X Base Salary
Base Salary = $33,598
Middle School Athletic Director .2021 $ 6,790
Years of
Class I Assignments
High School Head Basketball High
School Head Football
Assistant High School Athletic
Class II Assignments
High School Head Girls Volleyball
High School Head Boys Volleyball
High School Head Baseball
High School Head Softball
High School Head Boys Wrestling
High School Head Girls Wrestling
High School Head Soccer
High School Head Track
High School Assistant Athletic Director
Class III Assignments
Teacher Mentor Program Facilitators
Citywide Health Insurance Committee Chairman High
School Head Tennis
High School Head Swimming High
School Assistant Football High
School Assistant Basketball High
School Debate Coach
Fall Athletic Trainer Winter
Athletic Trainer Robotics
Years of
Class IV Assignments
High School Assistant Boys Wrestling
High School Assistant Girls Wrestling
High School Assistant Track
High School Assistant Baseball
High School Assistant Swimming
High School Assistant Girls Volleyball
High School Assistant Boys Volleyball
High School Head Freshman Football
High School Head Freshman Basketball (12 games or more)
High School Financial Manager
High School Assistant Soccer
High School Speech Coach (Forensics)
High School Science Coach
Middle School Science Coach
High School Academic Coach
High School Assistant Softball
Class V Assignments
Teacher Center Director
High School Head Cross Country
High School Assistant Freshman Football
High School Head Golf
High School Head Freshman Volleyball
High School Head Freshman Basketball (11 games or less)
High School Head Freshman Baseball
High School Cheerleader Coach
High School eSports Coach
High School Chess Coach
Spring Athletic Trainer
High School Science Olympiad
Middle School Science
Olympiad Coach
Class VI Assignments
High School Assistant Tennis
High School Assistant Cross Country
High School Assistant Golf
High School Assistant Cheerleading Coac
Middle School Head Football
Middle School Head Wrestling
Middle School Head Track
Middle School Head Cross Country
Middle School Head Volleyball
Middle School Head Basketball
Middle School Head Soccer
Elementary School Science Olympiad
Middle School Cheerleader Coach
Class VI Assignments (Continued)
Middle School eSports Coach
High School Assistant eSports Coach
Middle School, Elementary School Chess Coach
Junior Robotics Grades 5-9
Elementary Robotics Sponsor
Years of
Class VII Assignments
Middle School Assistant Football
Middle School Assistant Track
Middle School Assistant Wrestling
Middle School Assistant Cross Country
Middle School Assistant Soccer
Middle School Assistant eSports Coach
0 .0250 $840
Class VIII Assignments 2 .0303 $1,018
5 .0356 $1,196
Elementary Coed Wrestling
Elementary Boys Basketball
Elementary Girls Basketball
Elementary Boys Soccer
Elementary Girls Soccer
0 .0185 $622
Class IX Assignments 2 .0248 $833
5 .0301 $1,011
Elementary Assistant Coach for Boys Basketball
Elementary Assistant Coach for Girls Basketball
Elementary Assistant Coach for Boys Soccer
Elementary Assistant Coach for Girls Soccer
Appendix D
Grievance Report
Appendix E-1
Academy for the Performing Arts
The Board of School Trustees of the School City of Hammond and the Hammond Teachers’ Federation hereby agree
to the following additions to Section C-3 Extra Duty Assignments of the Master Contract between the Hammond
Teachers’ Federation and the School City of Hammond effective the 2010-2011 school year:
*Theatre Director - Per Performance (Maximum yearly allocation for
Small Production
Theatre Director compensation is
Medium Production
Large Productions
*Technical Director - Per Performance (Maximum yearly allocation for
Small Production
Technical Director compensation is
Medium Production
Large Productions
*Music Director - Per Performance (Maximum yearly allocation for
Small Production
Musical Director compensation is
Medium Production
Large Productions
*Production Choreographer - Per Performance (Maximum yearly allocation for
Small Production $1,000 Choreographer compensation is
Medium Production $2,000 $4,000
Large Productions $3,000
Dance Ensemble Troupe Director $3,000
Jazz Band Director $1,500 (Full Year)
Show Choir $1,500 (Full Year)
Accompanist/Orchestra $25 an hour ($2,500 allocated for the year)
Costumer (Maximum yearly allocation is $3,000)
*Size of Production to be determined by the director of “HAPA”
*An individual may only be responsible for one of these positions for any given performance.
*If an outside group rents or otherwise uses Hammond’s Performing Arts Space, the group shall retain a director
from the Academy for Performing Arts and shall reimburse the school corporation for the required hourly rate paid
to the director (which is the teacher’s hourly rate). That amount does not count toward the $8,000 maximum annual
compensation for the director. This provision was not bargained and is for informational purposes only.