Nursing 446 Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Lorraine Zoromski EdD, MSN, RN
CPS 334B
This syllabus is subject to change to support and encourage student learning.
Course Description
This course introduces the importance of research to improve clinical practice, strategies
to evaluate the quality of research and evidence, and increase integration of research into
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
1. Articulate the relationships between theory, research, and nursing practice
2. Understand selected quantitative and qualitative approaches to research
3. Utilize literature searches to obtain best evidence for practice
4. Critique individual research studies considering research approaches and rights of
human subjects
5. Discuss approaches for fostering adoption of an evidence-based practice change in a
health-care setting
Course Materials (required and recommended texts, articles, readings with full citations)
Required Text:
Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2018) Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for
Nursing Practice (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
Recommended Text:
American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological
APA Guide
A brief summary of the APA publication format is available online from the Online
Writing Lab at Purdue University:
Grading Policy
Your course grade will be based on the quality of your work for the two written
assignments, EBP report, discussion participation, EBP presentation, and five CT
Grading Scale
A grade of C or higher is required to pass all undergraduate courses and to progress in the
program. Grades in undergraduate courses are not rounded up. If you have questions,
please contact me.
6-critical thinking activities
Critique of qualitative research
Critique of quantitative research
Participation in discussions (6 total)
EBP Presentation
EBP Report
Group Assignments:
There are group assignments in this course that will enhance your ability to use research
and implement an evidence-based project as well as work in a team to complete a task.
For instance, there may be critical thinking activities that require group work as well as
an end of course Evidence-Based Practice project and presentation that will be completed
in a group. When you submit your group work, be sure to include the names of all active
group members on the assignment; but include only those who actually participated in
completing the assignment.
Critique of a Qualitative Research Study
When writing this paper, use the ā€œGuide to a Focused Critique of Evidence Quality in a
Qualitative Research Reportā€ on page 67 in Polit & Beck (2018) and the ā€œGuide to an
overall critiqueā€ handout. Follow the list of questions in both sources for this
assignment. You should prepare a narrative summary of your answers to these questions:
simple yes or no answers are not acceptable. This assignment should read like a paper: it
should be typed using APA format, and it should be limited to 5 pages (double-spaced),
not including the references page(s). See grading rubric for more details.
Critique of a Quantitative Research Study
When writing this paper, be sure to refer to the ā€œGuide to a Focused Critique of Evidence
Quality in a Quantitative Research Reportā€ on pages 66 in Polit & Beck (2018) and the
ā€œGuide to an overall Critiqueā€ handout. Follow the list of questions in both sources for
this assignment. You should prepare a narrative summary of your answers to these
questions: simple yes or no answers are not acceptable. This assignment should read like
a paper: it should be typed using APA format, and it should be limited to 5 pages
(double-spaced), not including the reference page(s). See grading rubric for more details
Evidence-Based Practice Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn about evidence-based practice (and to
have some fun while doing this) by applying what you learn in assigned readings and
through independent literature searches to a hypothetical situation.
You (as a group) will pretend that you are nurses on an evidence-based practice
committee in a hypothetical healthcare organization (i.e., not a real setting). As nurses on
this committee you will need to identify a nursing assessment or intervention that is well-
supported by evidence (e.g., by clinical practice guidelines and research studies) and
decide how to promote the adoption and evaluation of this clinical practice in your
hypothetical health care institution. In your report of this work you will describe and
discuss (1) how you found the evidence supporting the nursing assessment or
intervention, (2) how you concluded the evidence was sufficiently strong to support the
nursing practice, (3) how you would promote adoption of this clinical practice by nurses
in your hypothetical healthcare setting, and (4) how you would recommend that the
organization evaluate adoption of the practice change.
(Note: The clinical practice you recommend should be an autonomous (or relatively
autonomous) nursing action (e.g., an assessment or an intervention). This does not
include delegated interventions such as administering a medication or a provider's
decision such as giving a medicine versus counseling. It could include collaborating with
physicians to seek a physician order such as removal of a urinary catheter.)
What is the committee expected to do?
The EBP Committee is expected to:
1. Conduct two meetings and submit minutes of each meeting. While conference calls or
online chats might be possible, most groups conduct their meetings in the group's private
discussion forum (i.e., they post and discuss things related to the project and completing
the report) or face to face during or after class as time allows.
2. Complete an EBP project report. The criteria for the report will be discussed in
class. The report should include meeting minutes and the findings and results that will be
presented. APA will be needed for a cover page and any references in the report. Use of
headings to break up your report is highly encouraged.
3. Present their report to the class as a group. Use some form of presentation
software such as Powerpoint or Prezi. See guidelines in Canvas for specific details.
Critical Thinking Activities
Each student will submit answers to the critical thinking assignments posted on D2L.
They are to complete the assignment alone, unless otherwise directed, and use course
and/or outside resources. Each answer must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking
and a thorough understanding of the readings. Each critical thinking assignment may
take up to one hour, or longer, to complete. The assignment should be submitted to the
Dropbox on a Word formatted document. APA is necessary for only the references used
in the assignment. See the grading rubric for information on how these will be graded.
Each student will be responsible for reading the discussion instructions for each identified
week in your course calendar before participating in the discussion. Discussion postings
need to be professional, using Netiquette guidelines, and have evidence of a thorough
understanding of the course topics. Yes/no responses are not acceptable. If you agree, or
disagree, with a peerā€™s posting, it should be followed by an explanation as to why you
agree or disagree with examples that further the conversation. Follow the rubric for
grading information related to the discussion board.
Statement of Student Time Commitment
For each course credit, students are expected to spend a minimum 3 hours/week on
Therefore, for a three-credit course, at least 9 hours/week is expected. This is a general
guideline which may vary depending on the assignments &/or quizzes.
You are encouraged to bring your technology device into the classroom for class
activities only, ie: note taking, viewing lecture content. In order to promote an inclusive
and optimal learning environment for everyone, unrelated web browsing, texting, or
social media is not tolerated. If you need to text or take a phone call, please make sure
that your device is on silent and leave the room. If you decide not to abide by this request
and are disruptive, you will be asked to leave for the remainder of the class.
Late Assignment Submission
Late submission of assignments is discouraged and will result in 10% deduction/day
including weekends and holidays.
APA Style
Complete APA format is required for all formal papers submitted through the Dropbox.
APA format specifies format for title page, running head with pagination, abstract, levels
of headings, in-text citations, and reference list. Discussions do not require APA format
unless you are using information from a reference source (your textbook, other books,
journal articles, etc.), in which case you must properly use APA format for in-text
citations and references. All documents must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx).
Academic Integrity Policy
Students who engage in academic misconduct are subject to disciplinary penalties,
including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the university.
Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and
submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to
another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair
advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such act.
U of Wisconsin System Code (UWS Ch. 14-14.03 (2) provides specific examples of
academic misconduct and reads in part: "Examples of academic misconduct include, but
are not limited to: cheating on an exam; collaborating with others in work presented,
contrary to the stated rules of the course; submitting a paper or assignment as oneā€™s work
when a part or all of the paper or assignment is the work of another; submitting a paper or
assignment that contains ideas or research of others without appropriately identifying the
source of those ideas ... knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of
the above ..." The code is available at
U of Wisconsin campuses have specific procedures to investigate and deal with academic
Because of paper mills selling reports, Web pages, and full-text online databases
instances of plagiarism are increasing on campuses. Using someone's words without
quoting the person is plagiarism. Using someone's ideas, even though the personā€™s words
are different from your words, without citing the source is plagiarism. Use in-text
citations to cite your sources. For example, if you use the ideas cited in an article, place
the author and publication year (e.g. Smith, 2010) at the end of the sentence. UW-System
has subscribed to software that helps detect instances of plagiarism. Plagiarism will result
in a failing grade. Reports of plagiarism are also made to University administration.
Online courses require a different set of communication skills than many of us may be
used to in our daily lives. Many of you have taken an online course before and are
familiar with netiquette.
It is important in this course, as in life, that we communicate respectfully with each other
and are familiar with netiquette. It will be expected that everyone in this course follow
netiquette guidelines when communicating with each other. See Core Rules of Netiquette
When communicating information online or face to face based on personal or work-
related experiences, keep in mind rules and policies of Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(HIPAA). It is expected that students will judiciously protect the privacy of patients,
peers, family, or agency/institution by not disclosing confidential information outside of
the course. To maintain anonymity methods such as alias or initials should be used. For
more information on these laws, please refer to the following websites:
FERPA - http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/students.html
HIPAA - http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/summary/index.html
Student Bereavement Policy
Students who experience the death of a loved one should contact the faculty to arrange an
excused absence.
Disability Policy
Any student seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
should contact the Disability Services office on your home campus within the first week
of the semester so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged.